Blood As Metal

STRATA: Blood As Metal

I really enjoy using the byproduct materials from my projects to create works that help me think through new ideas, materials, and processes. These small paper works are made with the leftover copper from the deconstructed cellphone batteries I used to make the dye for the STRATA series. By oxidizing the copper I can create an ink that can react with the paper.  This reaction becomes evident when using minimalist compositions. Referencing Dansaekhwa painting and material process; controlling how the ink is sourced and made, combined with a minimal application, determines its final form. I want the viewer to see weathered landscapes and abridged bodies through the ink's natural abstracting process. I am interested in this color because it references The Statue of Liberty and highlights the variations of copper. I call these works “Blood as Metal” because the reactive crystal forms created by the ink reminds me of dried blood and risen scarring on skin. Here a metal-based ink replaces blood and paper replaces skin.